

This rural Carterton garden beneath the Tararuas benefits from a high annual rainfall and has to stand up to strong winds. Over 13 years, the owners have transformed a bare paddock into a lush oasis of native bush.

Well-established second canopy species of beech, lancewood, miro and ti kouka now provide shelter and a safe haven for tui, bellbirds and kereru. Last summer Anna counted 17 tui, feeding on the 40 kowhai trees in her garden.

Dotted throughout – sometimes hiding round a corner, or perched high on a hill – you’ll see Malcolm’s art figures and Anna-Marie’s mosaic sculptures.

Art is everywhere at Hattenburn and is one of Anna-Marie’s greatest joys in the garden, along with working towards a self-sufficient way of life. Almost all of the family’s fruit and vegetables come from their raised edible gardens.


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In the recycled window greenhouse they use hügelkultur (hill culture or mound) to build soil fertility and retain moisture. Naturally felled rotting wood is mixed with soil to create a nutrient-rich, carbon-dense environment, perfect for growing edibles.

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Anna-Marie has a background in horticulture and landscape design but says Hattenburn evolved organically, with no particular landscape plan. Anna-Marie is a great plant propagator and will have plenty of native plants for sale.

The house is off-grid with solar panels and a wind turbine for power. A small collection of Massey Ferguson tractors will also be on display.

The Hattenburn garden takes its name from a town in Scotland. A soldier returning from WWI bought the land as a rehab farm and named it as a tribute to the Scottish village because of the hospitality he received there.

As a newcomer to the tour, Hattenburn offers an interesting insight into native plantings, sustainable gardening practices, and integrating art as a garden feature. It’s a garden to linger in and learn from. Paths are paved with lime, with lots of seating throughout. BYO picnics are welcome and cream teas will be available to purchase.