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Bus friendly

Explore the 2018 gardens.

Holbrook Forest Garden

Holbrook Forest Garden

The Holbrook family have bold plans to convert their 2.46 hectare farmland paddocks into an organic food forest and flower farm. Planting began in earnest in 2016 with visionary Heidi at the helm.

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Over 35 years Awariki (little river) has evolved from an old farm cottage into a family home and ornamental garden with stunning specimen trees. Paper birches line the driveway of David and Lesley Marsh’s five-hectare lifestyle block.

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Native Tree Garden

Native Tree Garden

Fourteen years ago Phil Keinzley had a vision to turn four hectares of farmland into a native tree garden to bring the birds, insects and eels to his land.

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The Roundhouse

The Roundhouse

Over 19 years Brett Harman has channelled his creativity into a unique one and a quarter acre section on the edge of Carterton. His gardening and house-building journey were recognised nationally when he won the TV competition ‘My house My Castle’ in 2004.

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Grand Illusions

Grand Illusions

This small 800 square metre garden packs a punch. Though small in area, it’s grand in stature and finds space for a series of themed rooms ranging in style from colonial to contemporary.

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Casita Flora

Casita Flora

Casita Flora is a stunning example of bold, structural plantings. Owner Juliet Guerrero says when it comes to her gardening style, ‘diversity is what she’s all about.’

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The Doctor’s House

The Doctor’s House

The meandering woodland garden belonging to Kathryn Seagrave and Jeremy Thompson was once home to three generations of doctors. The Historic Places Trust house is still connected to the old private hospital through a green door and ivy-clad fence.

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Garden for Life

Garden for Life

With only 400 square metres to play with, passionate and innovative gardener Helen Dew designed “Garden for Life” for maximum and sustainable food production.

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Kokotau Road

Kokotau Road

Gardener Graeme Wilson and his wife Kate have been developing their two-hectare property on Kokotau Road on the outskirts of Carterton for the past 14 years. It has evolved from an almost tree-less property to a wonderful oasis of twists and turns and surprises hidden away in private pockets.


Richmond Garden

Richmond Garden

This rare historic beauty is a chance to see a little slice of Europe tucked away near the town centre of Carterton. Carterton’s first town clerk, Henry Wolters of Brunswick Germany built the villa in 1887 and named it after Richmond Palace in Brunswick near where he was born.

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This rural Carterton garden beneath the Tararuas benefits from a high annual rainfall and has to stand up to strong winds. Over 13 years, Anna and Malcolm have transformed a bare paddock into a lush oasis of native bush.

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Te Puhi

Te Puhi

Nestled beneath the Remutaka ranges is the enchanting and historic 1868 homestead of Mary and Peter Biggs, Te Puhi.

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Kotare (kingfisher) have flitted about the gardens of Amanda and John Perham wherever they have lived, and the couple have become very attached to this sweet little blue and green bird.

Bus FriendlyRefreshments

Old Tablelands

Old Tablelands

Twenty years ago Liz Stringer and Rob Morrison purchased the property and began an ambitious project to establish a series of formal and informal gardens, with a sweeping cherry tree-lined lawn, croquet lawn with herbaceous borders, a sunken garden, orchard, and picking garden.

Bus FriendlyRefreshments

Tikara Country Gardens

Tikara Country Gardens

Perched on the Eastern hills behind Carterton with panoramic views is Tikara Country Gardens. Converting two hectares of farmland over the last nine years has been a labour of love for owners Mary and Bruce McCallum.

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