Aig An Taigh Farmstay
This large country estate comes complete with stunning vistas cleverly extended with a ha-ha. Mature trees planted over 20 years ago provide a woodland full of oaks, hornbeam, birch, ash, elm, liquid amber, and plane trees complementing the pin oaks lining the drive.
93 Puruatanga Rd

Starting from bare land, Pauline and Alistair have planted practically every tree and plant on the property. The shaded ‘enchanted forest’ provides a delightful canopied walk through to the garden-enclosed lawn. This is where you will find an array of prolific roses, some of which Pauline has grown from cuttings. The garden hosts so much colour coming from hydrangeas, penstemons, hellebores, irises and dahlia’s (you might even find a few peonies in there too!).
Views from the house span over the lake and carry on into the distance with a cleverly constructed ha-ha. The expansive expertly manicured lawns give a sense of openness and space to this estate.
There will be a mini fair at Aig An Taigh – so bring cash and your Christmas shopping list!